Контрольные значения

Air conditioning / Air conditioning Air conditioning : General data
Air conditioning / Air conditioning Dust and pollen filter location (left-hand drive)
Air conditioning / Air conditioning Dust and pollen filter location (right-hand drive)
Capacities / Air conditioning Plug location High-pressure connecting pipe (H); low-pressure connecting pipe (L)
Electrical / Battery capacity Cold cranking amperes (CCA) 640 (A) EN
Electrical / Battery capacity Cold cranking amperes (CCA) 760 (A) EN
Electrical / Battery location Engine compartment
Torque settings / Big-end bearing cap Stage 1 5 (Nm)
Torque settings / Big-end bearing cap Stage 2 10 (Nm)
Torque settings / Big-end bearing cap Stage 3 130 (°)
Brakes / Brakes Front disc brakes
Brakes / Brakes Brake pad thickness, front, minimum 2.0 (mm)
Brakes / Brakes Disc run-out, maximum 0.05 (mm)
Brakes / Brakes Rear disc brakes
Brakes / Brakes Brake pad thickness, rear, minimum 2.0 (mm)
Brakes / Brakes Disc run-out, maximum 0.05 (mm)
Steering and wheel alignment / Camber, front Maximum difference between the left-hand side and right-hand side 0°30' (°)
Steering and wheel alignment / Camber, front Maximum difference between the left-hand side and right-hand side 0°30' (°)
Steering and wheel alignment / Camber, front Maximum difference between the left-hand side and right-hand side 0°30' (°)
Steering and wheel alignment / Camber, front Maximum difference between the left-hand side and right-hand side 0°30' (°)
Steering and wheel alignment / Camber, front Maximum difference between the left-hand side and right-hand side 0°30' (°)
Steering and wheel alignment / Camber, front Maximum difference between the left-hand side and right-hand side 0°30' (°)
Steering and wheel alignment / Camber, front Maximum difference between the left-hand side and right-hand side 0°30' (°)
Steering and wheel alignment / Camber, front Maximum difference between the left-hand side and right-hand side 0°30' (°)
Steering and wheel alignment / Camber, rear Maximum difference between the left-hand side and right-hand side 0°30' (°)
Steering and wheel alignment / Camber, rear Maximum difference between the left-hand side and right-hand side 0°30' (°)
Steering and wheel alignment / Camber, rear Maximum difference between the left-hand side and right-hand side 0°30' (°)
Steering and wheel alignment / Camber, rear Maximum difference between the left-hand side and right-hand side 0°30' (°)
Steering and wheel alignment / Camber, rear Maximum difference between the left-hand side and right-hand side 0°30' (°)
Steering and wheel alignment / Camber, rear Maximum difference between the left-hand side and right-hand side 0°30' (°)
Steering and wheel alignment / Camber, rear Maximum difference between the left-hand side and right-hand side 0°30' (°)
Steering and wheel alignment / Camber, rear Maximum difference between the left-hand side and right-hand side
Steering and wheel alignment / Camber, rear Maximum difference between the left-hand side and right-hand side 0°30' (°)
Steering and wheel alignment / Camber, rear Maximum difference between the left-hand side and right-hand side 0°30' (°)
Torque settings / Camshaft bearing caps Stage 1 3 (Nm)
Torque settings / Camshaft bearing caps Stage 2 10 (Nm)
Torque settings / Camshaft gearwheel Stage 1 20 (Nm)
Torque settings / Camshaft gearwheel Stage 2 50 (°)
Capacities / Capacities Engine
Capacities / Capacities Engine sump, including filter 5.75 (l)
Capacities / Capacities AdBlue 21.0 (l)
Capacities / Capacities Brakes : General data
Capacities / Capacities Brake system 1.0 (l)
Capacities / Capacities Manual transmission, ML6C, Number of gears 6-speed
Capacities / Capacities Air conditioning : General data
Capacities / Capacities Air-conditioning condenser (only when replaced), additional capacity 20 (ml)
Capacities / Capacities Air-conditioning dryer (only when replaced), additional capacity 15 (ml)
Capacities / Capacities Air-conditioning evaporator (only when replaced), additional capacity 20 (ml)
Capacities / Capacities Each air-conditioning hose, additional capacity 5 (ml)
Capacities / Capacities Van, With R134a refrigerant
Capacities / Capacities Refrigerant 500 (g)
Capacities / Capacities Passenger van, With R134a refrigerant
Capacities / Capacities Refrigerant 975 (g)
Capacities / Capacities Van, With R1234yf refrigerant
Capacities / Capacities Refrigerant 450 (g)
Capacities / Capacities Passenger van, With R1234yf refrigerant
Capacities / Capacities Refrigerant 450 (g) Without rear air conditioning
Capacities / Capacities Refrigerant 900 (g) With rear air conditioning
Capacities / Capacities Air conditioning : Sanden
Capacities / Capacities Air-conditioning compressor oil, system total 60 (ml)
Capacities / Capacities Air conditioning : Valeo
Capacities / Capacities Air-conditioning compressor oil, system total 135 (ml)
Capacities / Capacities General
Capacities / Capacities Fuel tank 69 (l)
Steering and wheel alignment / Castor, front Maximum difference between the left-hand side and right-hand side 0°30' (°)
Steering and wheel alignment / Castor, front Maximum difference between the left-hand side and right-hand side 0°30' (°)
Steering and wheel alignment / Castor, front Maximum difference between the left-hand side and right-hand side 0°30' (°)
Steering and wheel alignment / Castor, front Maximum difference between the left-hand side and right-hand side 0°30' (°)
Steering and wheel alignment / Castor, front Maximum difference between the left-hand side and right-hand side 0°30' (°)
Steering and wheel alignment / Castor, front Maximum difference between the left-hand side and right-hand side 0°30' (°)
Steering and wheel alignment / Castor, front Maximum difference between the left-hand side and right-hand side 0°30' (°)
Steering and wheel alignment / Castor, front Maximum difference between the left-hand side and right-hand side 0°30' (°)
Engine (specifications) / Compression pressure Differential limit between cylinders < 5 (bar)
Torque settings / Coolant pump Stage 1 5 (Nm)
Torque settings / Coolant pump Stage 2 9 (Nm)
Torque settings / Crankshaft gearwheel Stage 1 20 (Nm)
Torque settings / Crankshaft gearwheel Stage 2 50 (°)
Torque settings / Crankshaft pulley Renew the bolts
Torque settings / Crankshaft pulley Stage 1 35 (Nm)
Torque settings / Crankshaft pulley Stage 2 190 (°)
Torque settings / Cylinder head Refer to 'Extra Info'
Torque settings / Cylinder head Renew the bolts
Torque settings / Cylinder head Stage 1 20 (Nm)
Torque settings / Cylinder head Stage 2 40 (Nm)
Torque settings / Cylinder head Stage 3 260 (°)
Brakes / Disc diameter, front Disc thickness, front 28.0 (mm)
Brakes / Disc diameter, front Disc thickness, front, minimum 26.0 (mm)
Brakes / Disc diameter, rear Disc thickness, rear 12.0 (mm)
Brakes / Disc diameter, rear Disc thickness, rear, minimum 10.0 (mm)
Brakes / Disc diameter, rear Disc thickness, rear 22.0 (mm)
Brakes / Disc diameter, rear Disc thickness, rear, minimum 20.0 (mm)
Engine (general) / Distribution type Timing belt
Torque settings / Dual mass flywheel Renew the bolts
Torque settings / Dual mass flywheel Stage 1 10 (Nm)
Torque settings / Dual mass flywheel Stage 2 30 (Nm)
Torque settings / Dual mass flywheel Stage 3 90 (°)
Electrical / Electrical Electrical system
Electrical / Electrical Alternator 120 (A)
Electrical / Electrical Alternator 150 (A)
Electrical / Electrical Alternator 180 (A)
Emissions / Emissions Engine
Emissions / Emissions Oil temperature during test > 60 (°C)
Emissions / Emissions Corrected smoke absorption value < 1.5 (m-1)
Emissions / Emissions Test time 0.5 - 2.0 (s)
Emissions / Emissions Exhaust gas analysis test method (Germany only) B
Emissions / Emissions MPV, Manual transmission, EURO 6
Emissions / Emissions Fuel consumption, combined usage 4.80 (l/100 km)
Emissions / Emissions Fuel consumption, extra-urban driving 4.60 (l/100 km)
Emissions / Emissions Fuel consumption, urban driving 5.20 (l/100 km)
Emissions / Emissions Emission code Euro 6
Emissions / Emissions Emission standard 715/2007*2017/1347BG,715/2007*2018/1832AM (2018-06-08 ->)
Emissions / Emissions CO2 average 127 - 128 (g/km)
Emissions / Emissions CO -
Emissions / Emissions HC -
Emissions / Emissions NOx -
Emissions / Emissions HC NOx -
Emissions / Emissions Particles 0.51 (g/km)
Engine (general) / Engine (general) Engine
Engine (general) / Engine (general) Engine code DV5RC (YHV)
Engine (general) / Engine (general) Capacity 1499 (cc)
Engine (general) / Engine (general) Engine speed at maximum power 3500 (rpm)
Engine (general) / Engine (general) Number of cylinders 4
Engine (general) / Engine (general) Valves per cylinder 4
Engine (general) / Engine (general) Note: The coolant pump is timing-belt driven
Engine (specifications) / Engine (specifications) Engine
Engine (specifications) / Engine (specifications) Firing order 1 - 3 - 4 - 2
Engine (specifications) / Engine (specifications) Injection pump (make and type) BOSCH
Engine (specifications) / Engine (specifications) Oil pressure 1.3 / 1000 (bar/rpm) at 110 °C
Engine (specifications) / Engine (specifications) Oil pressure 3.5 / 4000 (bar/rpm) at 110 °C
Engine (specifications) / Engine (specifications) Turbo pressure 0.2 / 2500 (bar/rpm)
Engine (specifications) / Engine (specifications) Turbo pressure 0.6 / 4000 (bar/rpm)
Engine (specifications) / Engine (specifications) Drive belt layout
Torque settings / Exhaust manifold Renew the nuts
Torque settings / Flywheel Renew the bolts
Torque settings / Flywheel Stage 1 10 (Nm)
Torque settings / Flywheel Stage 2 30 (Nm)
Torque settings / Flywheel Stage 3 90 (°)
Engine (specifications) / Fuel system Common rail
Torque settings / Injector Stage 1 10 (Nm)
Torque settings / Injector Stage 2 95 (°)
Steering and wheel alignment / King pin inclination (KPI), front Maximum difference between the left-hand side and right-hand side 0°30' (°)
Steering and wheel alignment / King pin inclination (KPI), front Maximum difference between the left-hand side and right-hand side 0°30' (°)
Steering and wheel alignment / King pin inclination (KPI), front Maximum difference between the left-hand side and right-hand side 0°30' (°)
Steering and wheel alignment / King pin inclination (KPI), front Maximum difference between the left-hand side and right-hand side 0°30' (°)
Steering and wheel alignment / King pin inclination (KPI), front Maximum difference between the left-hand side and right-hand side 0°30' (°)
Steering and wheel alignment / King pin inclination (KPI), front Maximum difference between the left-hand side and right-hand side 0°30' (°)
Steering and wheel alignment / King pin inclination (KPI), front Maximum difference between the left-hand side and right-hand side 0°30' (°)
Steering and wheel alignment / King pin inclination (KPI), front Maximum difference between the left-hand side and right-hand side 0°30' (°)
Engine (specifications) / Low-pressure pump: Pressure 3.5 (bar) Minimum
Engine (specifications) / Low-pressure pump: Pressure 8.2 (bar) Maximum
Torque settings / Main bearing cap Stage 1 10 (Nm) Bolts 1 - 10
Torque settings / Main bearing cap Stage 2 6 (Nm) Bolts 11 - 24
Torque settings / Main bearing cap Stage 3 8 (Nm) Bolts A
Torque settings / Main bearing cap Stage 4 180 (°) Loosen the inner bolts
Torque settings / Main bearing cap Stage 5 30 (Nm) Bolts 1 - 10
Torque settings / Main bearing cap Stage 6 140 (°) Bolts 1 - 10
Torque settings / Main bearing cap Stage 7 8 (Nm) Bolts 11 - 24
Capacities / Manual transmission Gearbox refill 1.9 (l)
Capacities / Manual transmission Plug location 1 - Drain plug; 2 - Filler plug
Torque settings / Oil pump Stage 1 5 (Nm)
Torque settings / Oil pump Stage 2 9 (Nm)
Torque settings / Oil separator Stage 1 5 (Nm)
Torque settings / Oil separator Stage 2 12 (Nm)
Wheels and tyres / Spare tyre size Front tyre pressure 2.8 - 3.0 (bar)
Wheels and tyres / Spare tyre size Rear tyre pressure 3.1 - 3.5 (bar)
Wheels and tyres / Spare tyre size Front tyre pressure 2.8 - 3.0 (bar)
Wheels and tyres / Spare tyre size Rear tyre pressure 3.1 - 3.5 (bar)
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Suspension : General data
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Wheelbase 3275 (mm)
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Vehicle condition Unloaded
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Ride height
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Ride height, front L1 (mm) Measure R; measure H; calculate L = R - H
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Ride height, rear L2 (mm) Measure R; measure H; calculate L = R - H
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Passenger van, Standard suspension, Short wheelbase
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Toe, front
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Toe-in, rear
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Thrust angle 0°00' ± 0°30' (°) Rear
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Passenger van, Standard suspension, Long wheelbase
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Toe, front
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Toe-in, rear
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Thrust angle 0°00' ± 0°30' (°) Rear
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Passenger van, Reinforced suspension, Short wheelbase
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Toe, front
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Toe-in, rear
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Thrust angle 0°00' ± 0°30' (°) Rear
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Passenger van, Reinforced suspension, Long wheelbase
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Toe, front
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Toe-in, rear
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Thrust angle 0°00' ± 0°30' (°) Rear
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Van, Standard suspension, Short wheelbase
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Toe, front
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Toe-in, rear Maximum allowable cargo weight: 1000 kg
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Toe-in, rear Maximum allowable cargo weight: 1400 kg
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Thrust angle 0°00' ± 0°30' (°) Rear
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Van, Standard suspension, Long wheelbase
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Toe, front
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Toe-in, rear Maximum allowable cargo weight: 1000 kg
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Toe-in, rear Maximum allowable cargo weight: 1400 kg
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Thrust angle 0°00' ± 0°30' (°) Rear
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Van, Reinforced suspension, Short wheelbase
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Toe, front
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Toe-in, rear
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Thrust angle 0°00' ± 0°30' (°) Rear
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Van, Reinforced suspension, Long wheelbase
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Toe, front
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Toe-in, rear
Steering and wheel alignment / Steering and wheel alignment Thrust angle 0°00' ± 0°30' (°) Rear
Torque settings / Torque settings Engine
Torque settings / Torque settings Note: Always renew stretch bolts and self-locking nuts
Torque settings / Torque settings Valve cover 10 (Nm)
Torque settings / Torque settings Sump 10 (Nm) Studs
Torque settings / Torque settings Sump 12 (Nm) Nuts
Torque settings / Torque settings Sump 12 (Nm) Bolts
Torque settings / Torque settings Engine oil drain plug 34 (Nm)
Torque settings / Torque settings Oil filter 25 (Nm) Cover
Torque settings / Torque settings Glow plugs 6 (Nm)
Torque settings / Torque settings Starter motor 20 (Nm)
Torque settings / Torque settings Alternator 40 (Nm)
Torque settings / Torque settings Camshaft bearing caps 10 (Nm) Upper
Torque settings / Torque settings Camshaft position sensor 8 (Nm)
Torque settings / Torque settings Camshaft chain tensioner 8 (Nm)
Torque settings / Torque settings Timing belt tensioner pulley 30 (Nm) Nut
Torque settings / Torque settings Timing belt tensioner pulley 10 (Nm) Stud bolt
Torque settings / Torque settings Timing belt idler pulley 35 (Nm)
Torque settings / Torque settings Timing cover 5 (Nm) Lower bolts
Torque settings / Torque settings Timing cover 4 (Nm) Upper bolts
Torque settings / Torque settings Exhaust manifold 10 (Nm) Studs
Torque settings / Torque settings Inlet manifold 20 (Nm)
Torque settings / Torque settings Fuel rail 20 (Nm)
Torque settings / Torque settings High-pressure pump 20 (Nm)
Torque settings / Torque settings Turbocharger 10 (Nm) Studs
Torque settings / Torque settings Manual transmission, ML6C, Number of gears 6-speed
Torque settings / Torque settings Manual transmission drain plug 30 (Nm)
Torque settings / Torque settings Clutch pressure plate 20 (Nm) Renew the bolts
Torque settings / Torque settings Suspension : General data
Torque settings / Torque settings Note: Always renew stretch bolts and self-locking nuts
Torque settings / Torque settings Front drive shaft to wheel bearing housing 312 (Nm)
Torque settings / Torque settings Suspension: Refer to 'Technical drawings'
Torque settings / Torque settings Wheels and tyres
Torque settings / Torque settings Wheel bolts 125 (Nm) Used wheel rims
Torque settings / Torque settings Steering
Torque settings / Torque settings Note: Always renew stretch bolts and self-locking nuts
Torque settings / Torque settings Power steering pump 20 (Nm)
Torque settings / Torque settings Steering wheel 35 (Nm)
Torque settings / Torque settings Steering: Refer to 'Technical drawings'
Torque settings / Torque settings Air conditioning : General data
Torque settings / Torque settings Air-conditioning compressor 25 (Nm)
Torque settings / Turbocharger Renew the nuts
Wheels and tyres / Tyre size Front tyre pressure 2.8 - 3.0 (bar)
Wheels and tyres / Tyre size Rear tyre pressure 3.1 - 3.5 (bar)
Wheels and tyres / Tyre size Front tyre pressure 2.8 - 3.0 (bar)
Wheels and tyres / Tyre size Rear tyre pressure 3.1 - 3.5 (bar)
Engine (specifications) / Valve clearance Hydraulic
Torque settings / Wheel bolts Stage 1 125 (Nm)
Torque settings / Wheel bolts Stage 2 Loosen the bolts
Torque settings / Wheel bolts Stage 3 125 (Nm)
Wheels and tyres / Wheels and tyres Wheels and tyres
Wheels and tyres / Wheels and tyres Tyre size 225/55 R17 101W
Wheels and tyres / Wheels and tyres Spare tyre size 225/55 R17 101W
Wheels and tyres / Wheels and tyres Speed index, minimum T Based on the maximum speed as listed in the European Type Approval data sheets